After 150 years, this museum has become the talk of the town thanks to the amazing modern architect Daniel Libeskind, who was able to transform an old building into an incredible structure in the form of crystals that transformed the entire surrounding landscape.

Cutting through space

Within the walls of the museum is a rich collection of more than six million objects. The diversity of its exhibitions can attract visitors with varied interests and hobbies. But to add a special zest to the museum and was invited such an extraordinary architect.

According to the artist himself, the real mineral crystals, which are in the exhibition hall of the museum, became the prototypes of the new building. The architect made his first sketch of the future building on an ordinary napkin. The complex development of the Crystal project lasted for seven long years. It took another 4 years to erect the whole structure, thanks to which it was possible to significantly expand the space of the museum.

Such an unusual construction was named in honor of the philanthropist Michael Lee-Chin, on whose donations it was created. The first place where the visitor gets is a vast atrium, which is called “House of Spirits”. Here one can constantly hear various sounds of nature echoing with the voices of people.

Five floors of wonders

Walking further, you get to the central staircase, which has an equally interesting name – “Staircase of Wonders”. It’s designed as a gallery with thousands of unique items from the museum’s diverse collections on display.

The second floor presents the most popular exposition, not only among children, but also among adults – the gallery of dinosaurs. The exhibition halls of the third floor familiarize visitors with the magnificent art of Africa, East Asia and both Americas. The fourth level of the museum is occupied by the Institute of Contemporary Art.

In addition to the museum’s extensive permanent exhibitions, various temporary exhibitions are held here. The fifth and last floor of the building is equipped with a magnificent observation deck with a restaurant, which is a perfect place for relaxation and leisurely reflection.

Despite all the numerous disputes and discussions about the external appearance of the “Crystal”, the Royal Museum took a place in the top five largest museums in North America, as well as was included in the seven architectural wonders of the world.

Another building topping the list of the largest is Casa Loma Castle, which is the largest privately owned building in Canada.